Monday, May 30, 2011

The end is near

Today I found a big, huge, full-paper-sized envelope addressed to me. I wondered what the heck was inside, and when I looked closer, I spotted the words "health insurance" somewhere on the side. What?? I am NOT getting mail about health insurance. Backtrack a few days-- dad hands me an envelope with my name on it. I look for clues on it to see what's inside. Before I can tell what the mystery package is, dad already starts telling me why I should get a credit card (for credit history) but that if I do fill out the application, I have to make my payments on time (ya know.. the normal parent-to-18-year-old credit card talk) Excuse me? Credit cards? Health insurance? Taxes? (I've been dealing with those at work) I'm not even out of high school. I'm too young for this.

Which reminds me... 10 days until I'm officially a high school graduate. The end is NEAR. But then again... I guess the end is really just the beginning

Monday, May 23, 2011


You may or may not know that I love hiking. Well if you didn't, now you do. I love it. So much! And I am so excited for summer so I can go enjoy my hiking obsession!