Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sadies in a nut shell

Tori helping me make my shirt after we took our three hour power nap at like one. This was the party at 4 A.M.!!

Daniel and I pullin' some West Side Story snaps!

Oh how I wish we could have stolen these and taken them to the actual dance!!The incredashirts.. nuff saidHe saw his ball was going in the opposite direction he wanted it to and did that with his legs...I just thought it was funny
They were going for the same pin and just LOOK AT THAT FORM! haha...I still like the way I bowl better though ;)
We were having a party bouncing on the crown burger booth bench things. Surprisingly...I didn't start it. He did. Aren't we perfect for eachother?
Need I say more??In honor of uncle Dave I can now officially say I've had Crown Burger and love it!We were squished into the car and I was sitting on a seat belt. We decided this was going to be a smiling picture. When we went over a speed bump....this is what it turned into...posessed and..well I don't know what I look like....When we did our road rally we ran down the sugarhouse sledding hill. I fell down it like seven times when I was trying to run up it. It kind of hurt.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


A few days ago wrote a post based on my perspective on abortion. When I wrote it, I was very riled up and abortion is something I feel is extremely overlooked and am very passionate about. While I agree with all I said, I also feel badly because I made it seem like I'm stuck in my own thoughts and there's nothing anyone can do to change it. That's not entirely true. If someone can argue their case and give me a good reason to think otherwise... by all means feel free! I hope to lay out my opinions in a more organized and open minded manner, and hope all can at least see where I'm coming from. I'm not asking you to agree-- just see where I'm coming from.

The first thing to think about with abortion is whether or not the baby is in fact alive. I'm not exactly sure how to argue my stand on this except to say what are you if not alive and have your own heart beat? How is something (or someone) not alive when they have a regular heart beat and a developing body of their own. At the end of week three in a pregnancy there is an irregular heart beat in a baby and by the end of week six the heart beat has become rhythmic and regular. Yes, the baby is completely dependent on the mother for survival at this point, but how many others do YOU count on for survival? Yes, you could leave home and depend on others outside of your home to sustain your life, but you still depend on something or someone. The fact is that it's everyone depends on others to live. America depends on China to live for crying out loud!!!!! (Haha, that was a joke hahaha)

In my last post I said something to the effect of "abortion IS murder UNLESS in the case of self defense." Someone brought it to my attention that you can't fully support your opinion if you use the word "unless" when you're trying to back up your statement. I agree to some extent. I try to keep my views on abortion within the boundaries of black and white. None of this gray in-the-middle-crap. Usually, when you're making an argument, the word "unless" introduces this gray middle area and you can't really find a way out of it. In this situation though, that is not the case. It is perfectly fair to say abortion is murdering/killing an innocent child UNLESS the mothers life is in danger. This argument is fair because..
  • If the mother's life is in danger the child is not innocent. The child is in the act of taking the mother's life away, therefore the mother should have the right to defend herself and her life and take the babies life away in self defense to her own life.
  • If a pregnancy is ended because the mother's life is in danger it's just like ending the life of someone pointing a gun at your head when you pull the trigger before they get the chance. Yes, you killed someone, but if you hadn't have killed them they would have killed you. Would you get put in jail if you killed someone with this context? No. But would you be put in jail for killing someone who was completely innocent because you were having a bad day? Yes. So if these things are true with human beings, should they not also be true with human fetuses?

A final point I'd like to address is that of forced pregnancy. This is a tough one for me because while I see the mothers side of it I also see the child's. The mother had no choice in bringing the child into the world...but neither did the child. In carrying the child for nine months the mother obviously feels an extremely and unbelievably large amount of discomfort and emotionally is strained to her wits end. Every time that baby kicked, the mother would probably flash back to the situation that brought this child into the world and it would take an enormous mental toll on her. I see that. I understand that. I know it would be extremely hard. But even though it's hard...the fact still remains that it's not the babies fault. The baby didn't just say "okay, I want to come into the world now so I'm going to magically appear in this woman's womb." The only person to blame is the one who impregnated the woman--and once again that's not the child. While I can understand why one would think this is a legitimate reason for an abortion I have a tremendous amount of respect for those who carry the baby full term and put it up for adoption and or whatever is deemed best in spite of her contrary feelings.

Again, I hope I haven't offended anyone, and I hope this was a little more informative and a little clearer than my last post. Peace out chubs! :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The "Change" America needs?

Five days from now will be a day studied in American history for years to come. Everyone alive now will always remember the day the first African American president was inaugurated and sworn in as the true president of the United states, and those who aren't alive will wish they were. Though I disagree with some of his "plans," I am proud to be an American and see that our nation can honestly look past the color of a person's skin and vote based on what someone stands for and what the person who they think will help our country the most in office. I've tried several times to write a post based on my views and perspective of things on politics....I always have too much to say. While I am proud to be a part of this historic event, I can't stop wondering a few things. I hope not to offend anyone and plan to share some things I disagree with. Just because I disagree with him does not mean I'm bashing him...so please, if you think I've said something disrespectful about HIM (not what he stands for) but HIM, I'm so sorry. Also, if anyone else tells me I'm "racist" because I don't agree with some of the things Obama stands for...I will backhand you.

TAXES: Who is Obama actually helping by taxing the higher/upper class more money? Here's the thing, the upper class use their hard earned money to buy things like cars, boats, pay for their electric bills, and other things like that. Speaking of the boats, cars, ATVs, and other fun toys, isn't that where some of if not the majority of the lower and middle class people work? Isn't that how THEY have their income? So won't Obama's plan actually HURT the lower and middle class citizens? If the upper class is being taxed out of their mind and doesn't have the money to buy those toys who's going to buy them? And if no one buys them how will those businesses keep from going under?? How is putting people out of work helping them? Yes, they don't have to pay as much money to the government, and YES, they can choose to be lazy and NOT work their butt of at school. They can CHOOSE to be the ones who screw off and cheat and not do anything with their education and those who work hard and try will just pay their taxes.

Now I understand that it's not always your fault if you live in the lower and middle classes, REALLY! I do! And, I don't mean to sound harsh but can't you see how this plan might promote laziness and the bare minimum? Can't you see how with this plan the Americans who work hard and earn money will eventually say "Well...I don't really want to work this hard because the money I make that should be mine for working my butt off is just going to the rest of the American citizens who 'can't' pay their taxes. So...I think I'm going to let someone else pay mine for me." Who's going to pay for the lower and middle class when we all become the lower and middle class??A FEW POINTS ON ABORTION:

1) Abortion IS murder...unless you have another word for spilling innocent blood.

2) There are many who say "Well...you can't let some and not let others." I completely agree UNLESS the mother of the child's health is in danger. If there is a life threatening case..yes, an abortion would be the practical thing to do. If someone is trying to kill you and you kill them in the process of self defense, yes, it's different than if you say "well...that man just stole all my money, so I'm going to kill the next person walking down the street."

3) I realize that Obama says he does not "support" abortion--he doesn't think it's the best thing to do. But he HAS said he doesn't have the right to tell someone else they can't have an abortion in respect to the mother. Yes, the pregnancy is uncomfortable. Yes, it brings back horrid memories. BUT in the Constitution it states that it is a federal crime to kill an innocent person--how then is abortion even an issue??

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sophomore year part TWO

I love Christmas break, and am very sad, obviously, that it's over. But there is a good thing that comes with the end of winter break-- the second half of the year. Winter break's over..the next big break we have in school is spring break, and then summer!! Yes, we have a few days off here and there, but when it comes to actual WEEKS off school...that's where we stand. Only one more til summer.

I love learning and I love school, but at East, it almost seems like learning and going to school are two different things. I've already written posts about that so I won't keep going on about it. The point I would like to make, however, is that I don't want to get out of school so I can...simply be out of school. I want to fulfill my requirements at the end of junior year and take Madrigals, Ac'cepella (sp?), AP Literature, Productions, and the rest of my classes up at the U senior year. If I didn't care about throwing away a whole year of leads in productions I wouldn't even stick around East at all. I'm on track to graduate early, but doing so seems stupid when senior year is the most likely chance I'll have to be leads in shows, and to be a leader in musical groups.

I'm helping Clayton Middle School with their show, "Peter Pan", which always helps time go by extremely fast for me--so that will be good. I also have Take 5 coming up, and "school" to keep me busy. Time still seems to go by so slowly. Do you think I'll ever get out of high school? I'm not trying to wish my life away, but I can't stand the ridiculous things that go on in highschool and people say "Oh..well they're in highschool...they'll learn sooner or later." *sigh*...whatever. Haha, sorry, this turned into a sort of complainey post.


-Winter break was amazing! Even though I was flat in bed for the first week because I was so sick, the second week made up for it! My family came in town and we had a late Christmas celebration on Monday! I got a cell phone and COWBOY BOOTS!!!!! :D

I don't know if anyone could tell, but I'm a wee bit excited about these beauties ;)

-On Tuesday I went on my first date which was a blast. We went to Cafe Rio and watched Nacho Libre and played guitar and talked. Just sat and talked. It was so much fun! When we played guitar for eachother, he played a song called "Waiting on an Angel" by Ben Harper. I'd never heard it before and loved it. He played a bunch of other songs too--they were all great!! But...I don't even really remember what they were! Haha, I just LOVED "Waiting on an Angel"

-My family and I have a small addiction to the T.V. show LOST. ..We watched about 6 and a half hours of season 4 on Wednesday. That's a little embarrassing..

-Eagle Eye is a GREAT movie! We watched it last night and loved it! I love movies (and T.V. shows) that make you think and keep you wondering what's going to happen next! Eagle Eye does that to the extreme! If you haven't seen it...do! The language is somewhat bothersome at certian parts, but the movie as a whole is great! Very intense!

Well, I think that about does it for me today.. I have church soon. Haha, peace out chubs!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Cafe Rio Salad Dressing

This is just another random thought, and I don't have much time because I have a violin lesson in about a half an hour.

My family and I were at Cafe Rio and my nephew was there with us. Those of you who know my nephew know that he...likes to eat. He seriously would eat anything if my brother and sister-in-law let him. As we tried to find an unoccupied table in the packed restaurant, my nephew, Patten, reached for the green "House Dressing" Now...everyone who's eaten at Cafe Rio knows that the house dressing is like the best salad dressing on the planet, but, if we were to have given it to him, we all knew he would've just chugged the whole thing mindlessly. Gross. It's like eating butter plain. Gross! But with bread or toast or a roll or something butter is great and adds flavor.

Look at this in comparison to our lives. Sometimes there are things that are good..but not until later when we can put it with something else. Eating the Cafe Rio Salad Dressing by its self tastes worse than eating the cheapest salad dressing there is on a salad. Sometimes, we need to just be patient, and even though something looks good and appealing, we need to wait in order to give it the full effect because otherwise it can be something that changes our lives-- and not for the better. We need to WAIT and be patient so we can have the flavor the dressing has to offer if used in the right place at the right time.

Well, that's about it! Good luck tonight Utes! Peace out chubs!!