Sunday, December 23, 2012

why give up 18 months?

As many of you know, I am leaving February 27th to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  As I've explained this to individuals not of my faith, many have asked the exact same question: why?  Why would I leave in the middle of schooling? Why would I get behind on my college education? Why would I leave behind the prospect of getting married young and having a million babies? (this is mostly a funny comment, but some have really asked!)  When first asked, I came up with simple answers.  And the ultimate answer I've come up with is also simple.  It is different from those I gave before-- well not actually different, but it encompasses all the other answers I gave, and puts them into the same answer.  

Much of this blog has showed how much I love people.  Love is my life.  I sincerely wish that everyone could just love one another and live life in Peace.  Unfortunately, life sucks sometimes.  People are mean.  People are stupid.  People don't always show love for each other.  So why am I leaving my comfortable home for 18 months to teach the people of Hawaii about those things that give me the most happiness in life?  Because I love them.  Because I love Jesus Christ, and I have a testimony that he walked the Earth, and that he atoned for my sins.  For your sins.  For all.  I know that he loved and loves everyone.  I can't wait for my mission because I know my love for my Savior will grow.  I know my love for people and for myself will grow right along with it.  I am so excited to go teach, and can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for me.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will miss you, my Nat, but know a great adventure awaits you in the islands of Hawaii.

In some ways I believe you will succeed to the extent you help the Hawaiian people feel the Savior's love for them.

We know you will make a great sacrifice and that it will be worth it!

Love you lots,
