Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's been way too long...

here's something I saw happen at school yesterday. Sitting at lunch, my friend and I were talking, when I saw a boy (We'll call him Billy) being made fun of and him starting to get extremely angry. Now, it's a known fact that this boy gets mad REALLY easily and that he will try to start a fight even though it's apparent he'll lose by a mile. Apparently, what happened is that Billy was listening to his iPod, and someone asked what he was listening to. He showed them the album cover and I guess there was a picture of a partially naked girl on the front cover of the Album/CD. I understand why people may be shocked by such an image, but at the same time..the guys who started making fun of this kid are the same guys who talk about how sweet it was they got to stay right next to Hooters last year in Vegas for their baseball trip. The same guys who listen to Biance (Sp?) and Jessica Simpson and have the same types of pictures on their iPods as well. As they made fun of him, he obviously got furious and started picking a fight. Then, as usual, a teacher comes by, sees Billy picking the fight, and Billy's the one who gets in trouble. Yes. Billy gets in trouble when he's been unjustly provoked. Why do people do this? I mean, yes, it is kind of funny to see someone get as mad as Billy gets so easily. But seriously, who just goes around doing that for fun?? Just because you can control yourself better than other's doesn't mean you're better than them in any way. It just makes me so mad. I should've said something. I honestly can't believe I just sat there and let it happen.

Wow. I do hope that in writing this I haven't offended anyone. I just have a few thoughts pouring out of my head right now. I wish I could write them all here..

I miss Brigham.


Anonymous said...

hm... well we talked about stuff like this today in english. and basically you are never "unjustly" provoked. You can choose whether or not you will rise to the bait and get all upset. This is a totally difficult thing to do - not be effected by what other people say, but it is true. It seems to me that a guy who is now looking to start a fight just because he was teased... deserved to get in trouble.

ty said...

Hey Nat--

Just wanted you to know I read your blog.

Love you :)


Natalie said...

I guess I see where you're coming from Sawa, but the only reason these guys made such a huge deal of things was because they knew he'd react the way he did. He has an anger problem, and I honestly don't think he deserves to get in trouble when he has a hard time controlling his emotions and people exploit that.