Sunday, August 3, 2008


Today in Sunday School my mom taught a lesson that I'd like to title "Gravity." She read a story my brother Tyler wrote called "Gravity" about my father's life, and his sister, Theresa's, story. My mom often asks me if I've read this story Tyler gave us last year for Christmas. I always said yes. The truth is..I hadn't.

As my mom read through the story I found myself sitting with tears streaming down both sides of my face as I listened. I tried so hard to stop crying, but just couldn't. I'd heard bits and pieces of my dad's childhood, and did know that Aunt Theresa struggled with the church a bit, but there were so many things in this story I did NOT know. I didn't know, for instance, that Aunt Theresa was a hippie. Nor did I know she had a husband before my uncle Dan. I didn't know she had a close seminary teacher who's friendship played a vital part in her returning to the church. The fact that that she came back with a list an inch thick of things she asked forgiveness for amazes me, and I'm sure will help me remember when I've made mistakes that I can ALWAYS be forgiven.

As this is a very personal and somewhat private story, this will turn out to be a rather short post. I just want to close with a quote from the story that brings me near tears every time I hear it:

"God's love is like gravity. You can hate it, curse it, and say it doesn't exist, but it's always there, and is always working."


Missy Johnson said...

Just because we can always be forgiven doesn't mean that we need to do things to be forgiven of.

And you're right, that story is awesome.

And Dave gave it to us for Christmas, not Ty. :)

Natalie said...

I wasn't meaning to imply that we should do things we need to be forgiven of. I just..Whatever. Haha, and I'm sorry I mixed up which brother gave it. Anything else you'd like to critique me on? :)

Anonymous said...

natalie! so kinda like this story that your mom told, and you being all, oh... i read it... not. Same about me reading your blog. when you shared the link i was all, ok i will read it... later. just barely i was bored and saw the link that i had saved, and thought... okay, guess i will look at it, and i am just blown away! blown away by your posts, and the topics you are talking about, blown away by the way you write, and blown away by the messages. you are amazing natalie, keep writing, this will really help you in so many ways. love you!!