Friday, January 2, 2009

Cafe Rio Salad Dressing

This is just another random thought, and I don't have much time because I have a violin lesson in about a half an hour.

My family and I were at Cafe Rio and my nephew was there with us. Those of you who know my nephew know that he...likes to eat. He seriously would eat anything if my brother and sister-in-law let him. As we tried to find an unoccupied table in the packed restaurant, my nephew, Patten, reached for the green "House Dressing" Now...everyone who's eaten at Cafe Rio knows that the house dressing is like the best salad dressing on the planet, but, if we were to have given it to him, we all knew he would've just chugged the whole thing mindlessly. Gross. It's like eating butter plain. Gross! But with bread or toast or a roll or something butter is great and adds flavor.

Look at this in comparison to our lives. Sometimes there are things that are good..but not until later when we can put it with something else. Eating the Cafe Rio Salad Dressing by its self tastes worse than eating the cheapest salad dressing there is on a salad. Sometimes, we need to just be patient, and even though something looks good and appealing, we need to wait in order to give it the full effect because otherwise it can be something that changes our lives-- and not for the better. We need to WAIT and be patient so we can have the flavor the dressing has to offer if used in the right place at the right time.

Well, that's about it! Good luck tonight Utes! Peace out chubs!!


Anonymous said...

My Nat:

Yes, being patient and waiting for things to be in a position to do and be their best is a good thing.

Love you,


Missy Johnson said...

I eat the salad dressing plain...


Missy Johnson said...

But I agree with ya.