Sunday, July 17, 2011

First real update in a while

So I finally made it out of high school. Many of you know, the day I left the leopard cage could never come soon enough in my eyes. So now, I embark on my adventure at the University of Utah. I can't wait til my studying actually works towards something, instead of being something I just "have to do"."
First on my list of things to do before classes start is get one of these babies. I have a laptop right now, but it doesn't function completely properly, it's heavy, and it has hardly any battery life. I dunno about you, but I don't want to be carrying something like that around campus all the time. The problem with Macs is they're SO expensive. I've been saving all summer, and hopefully I'll be able to salvage one. I hear they're worth the dough though.
My next piece of equipment before school starts is a uniform that looks something like this. I hope to complete my CNA before classes start, and in order to do so, we need to look professional in our...professional uniforms.
I'll also need one of these...
...And one of these.
Needless to say, my real adventure is just beginning. I'm SO glad to be done with high school. We'll see though, how glad I am when I'm in the middle of Biorganic chemistry.


Anonymous said...


I am so happy for your new adventure. I know you will do a great job!

In many ways, I wish I were starting again with college classes -- what a wonderful time awaits you!

Love you lots,


miss said...

Nat, you'll be great in college! How cool is it that you are going to be a nurse!