Thursday, August 11, 2011

Organic Apples

A while ago, I tasted an organic apple for my first time. What's so special about an organic apple you ask? First of all, they're a lot easier to wash, because they're not covered in wax. That's a plus. But the biggest reason is that other apples are infused with pesticides when grown conventionally. (And in my opinion, they taste better, which I claimed before I even knew the apple I was eating was organic.)
I know my sister, and probably my other siblings think my organic apple fascination is silly, but for some reason it's something that's stuck with me. Do you have any silly food stigmas? If so, what?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know me, myNat. I like my food. Can't think of anything that turns my stomach.

I'll give it some thought.

Love you lots,
