Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Yep-- it's started!

Well...it's officially here. SCHOOL. But you know what's cool?? East High school starts tomorrow, and I'm not attending!!!!! That is a happy, HAPPY fact. P.s. Did you know there's a notebook setting on microsoft word, so you can take notes in class like you're writing it in a notebook?? Sweet eh?
Another cool thing I've discovered this semester is the awesome lining on the back of my backpack that keeps my back from getting insanely sweaty. Awesome little invention.
The backpack it's self is pretty cool too!
Well, there's my little update, just so all of you know, I am DESTROYING these classes. They don't stand a chance against me.... hahahahaha


Krisy said...

Love the post! You will do great this year :) Good luck with all of it.


Anonymous said...

Rock the House, my Nat.

I know you will rock the house!
