Friday, February 27, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons...Make Lemonade

Last night when my friends and I were watching "John Tucker Must Die" like half way through I said "Wow..he's good at making lemonade." Tori looked at me and said "'re sick." and the other two (Katelin and Morgan) just had no idea what I was trying to say. I clarified what I meant and then everyone laughed. I thought it was funny Tori assumed I meant something gross to begin with but..whatever. Haha


-Take V is a working progress!! I'm in a play about a bus that breaks down in the Canadian forest and just what goes on while they're broken down. I play Jean who is a girl whos friend drags her on this trip she doesn't even want to go on in the first place. Come see it! I'm excited!!

-Also, the district competition is coming up in theater! YAY! I'm singing a song called "If You Hadn't But You Did" from Two on the Isle. So funny! Look it up on Youtube if you want. It's seriously one of the funniest songs ever. Grey is great to put up with being in it though...all he does is die and then let me beat him up. Funny stuff.

-Tomorrow is Audrey's birthday party!!!!!! Yeeeeeeaaaahhh!!! I've already written posts on how much I freaking love (yes..welcome to Utah! Hahaha) her, but just incase you missed that post..I love her to death. I don't think I've ever heard her talk badly about someone (even when I'm venting to her like crazy) and I just love all the crazy fun times we have together! Haha, like when we go to the park and a man tells her she's going to become mormon someday. Hahahaha. Happy 16th Aud! I love you to pieces!

-I'm in a peer tutor class where I help the special needs students at school. Best class I've ever taken. Ever.

-I love lost!

-I miss M&M

...And that's about it! Ha, peace out chubs! :D

P.S. Sorry I keep changing my's probably annoying..but I think this is the winner...Yay for free blog backgrounds!


Missy Johnson said...

M&M misses you too ma Nat! Be good okay? And watch Lost with Mom like you said you would...

Audrey said...

I LOVE YOU TOO!! I couldnt live with out you my dear! xoxo P.S. I am not quite mormon yet... but it will happen :)

Anonymous said...


I love lemonade!

Te amo,


Becca said...

lost is good, but I have to admit, being addicted to 24 is way better. :)